Sunday, February 22, 2009

My Vision Board!

My Vision or Dream Board
The first time I saw a "vision board" was on W Network's "Smart Cookies". I have since created one for my Pampered Chef business, although we have been referring to it as a "Dream Board". Here is mine.

My collage serves as a constant reminder of all the items and goals I want to achieve in the next couple of months and years with my business and financial savings. It, of course, includes the major things around my house that I have planned - my electrical, basement and some furniture additions, while it also includes some PC goodies and recreational time (snowboarding in Whistler)!

The Smart Cookies even suggest including photos of your family and those around you that motivate you to succeed. After you've created your board, they also suggest that if you work on your computer a lot, take a picture and make  it your desktop background so you are always being reminded of what you are striving towards! 

Anyone else have a vision or dream board?


  1. vision boards are great for manifesting your is another option...Vision Map Videos...check them out....enjoy!!!


  2. This is such a great idea Jenn! After I read The Secret, I am pretty sure they mentioned that everyone should have a vision board and so I created one as well!

    Hopefully you get everything you want :)

  3. A Vision Map Video - I've never heard of that! I'll have to check it out! Thanks for the tip, Darlene! And thanks for stopping by!

    What did you include on your board, Christina? Only goals and attainable items or did it include some motivators as well?
