If you remember, I had three
- Get in control of my finances.
- Have the electrical service changed over to 100 amp (this will require saving $ and so will depend on #1).
- Develop a plan for my basement.
So, here's where I stand.
- Finances. I have done something. I am counting that as a small victory. I have updated my budget and spend worksheet to keep track of what I'm spending and try to cut where I am being a little too lavish. I also got the book "The Wealthy Barber" by David Chilton. We read this in university and friend suggested I re-read it, and actually try to apply what I learn. Not a bad idea. Where did I fall down on this resolution? A Nine West sale was too tempting to pass up! With new shoes on foot, now I'm set to keep the spending down and get the finances in control!
- Electrical. Okay, really, this one is somewhat dependant on #1. I have a contractor in mind, but I've had the name for four months now and not done anything with it. In February, I will call him and get a quote. In the meantime, my savings account is reserved for this task and my recent, second income will fund this.
- The basement. This is more longterm, but I did find this really cute design idea last fall, that I still think would work.