Sunday, April 5, 2009

My New Mop

Merch Media Inc Microfiber Mop This is my new mop. I bought it yesterday from a promo girl doing a direct sale demo next to the pharmacy aisle in Wal-Mart. Merch Media Inc. is the name on the package.

I admit, I am sometimes a sucker for these types of promotions. Like I will NEVER find a similar microfiber product that will do as good a job!? I was impressed by the way it cleaned up the crayon off the hard wood and tiles, but I don't make it a habit to draw on my floors with crayons. The line that got me? The sales girl claimed she had four cats, two dogs and a rabbit, and the microfiber mop cleaned up all the hair, dander, dust and pollen with ease.

That was the hook. Cat hair, gone? Count me in! The girl used the old informercial classic- "For today only, you can own the Microfiber Mop for.." Apparently, they normally sell for $59, but I bought mine for the low, low price of $39! When I arrived home, it dawned on me that Wal-Mart would never sell a product for more, so the likelihood that the price will stay at $39 or less? Pretty high, in my opinion!

So did I get a deal? I'm not sure yet. A forty-dollar mop wasn't on the top of my 'must-have' list, but I have been keeping my eyes open for tactics to reduce the amount of cat hair in my house. Furthermore, I recently ran out of wet and dry Swiffer clothes. The wet ones worked well in the bathroom and kitchen, so I would've spent nearly $20 to replace them.

I put the mop to the test when I got home, but I am still undecided. It definately picked up a lot of dirt, and once wet, it cleaned the bathroom and kitchen floors very well. I'm not as convinced that the velcro will last 300 washes (the lifetime claim the girl made), and I found the handle didn't stay tight at the length that I wanted.

Norwex Microfiber mopI did ask for a comparison to Norwex, the direct sales company that totes microfiber as the core of its product line. It was obvious, she had no idea who Norwex was or knowledge of their product. It looks very similar to their mop, but I would be interested to know how durable and sturdy the Norwex mop is. Price-wise, I believe that Norwex is also more expensive.

Does anyone else use microfiber? Do you have a mop? Where did you get it? I'd be interested to hearing your experiences.


  1. As a follow-up, I checked out the Norwex mop yesterday at a friend's house. She is a major Norwex fan (I would recruit her as a consultant if I were Norwex), so she showed me what she had and compared it to the book. The handle and the mop head that attaches to the microfibre cloth does look and feel stronger and more durable than my blue light special. The cloth is similar, and it is also held on with velcro. Price point? $80 to start - you buy the handle, head, and clothes seperately. That is for the small head and clothes, and the larger size (similar to mine) is $5-10 more. Her mop is also pretty new, and she has 2 dogs in her house, so we'll see how they compare a few months from now!

  2. Jen,
    Pam and I have the same mop - a year and a half old and it works really well.
