Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Wonderful Discovery

While helping bf move into his new place last weekend, we came across the following, too wonderful not to share!!

Some of you may be thinking- 'That really is rough-looking'. You are correct. But........................

It's a child's table and chair set. Or misplaced from the Mad Hatter's tea party. Either way, I don't need these for some time. I totally called them though.

Bf totally kept the haul in his basement a secret. I had no idea what treasures were held beneath the recently-renovated laminate on the main floor. Like this clock and side table.

This is a 'real' clock, complete with the clockworks inside, the face that opens and key to wind it. It seems as if it may even work. Doesn't the table look equally lovely?

We also pulled out chairs, shelving units and a worn, wash table screaming for some tee elle see (yes, another possible project). To think, only weeks ago, bf and I considered snatching up some chair cushions at GT Boutique for some Asian-inspired floor seating. Who knew there were at least half a dozen chairs in his basement, well matched to his kitchen table? 

In addition to Christmas decorations, including an artificial tree, a basement of tired, old furniture is also sure to warrant a few 'unique' items. Like this creature....

It would appear this stool had a bad run-in with the abominal snowman and a staple gun. Pulling this stool out may actually have been a highlight for me, because it's just so ridiculous! I enjoyed a feel-good laugh at the blue fleece' expense.

Outfitting bf's house will be considerably easier now. I am excited to put Young House Love's window treatment advice to the test soon!

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